Below are examples of recent productions, including documentaries, promotional pieces and news stories.
"No Laughing Matter!"
A short "gala video" made to introduce an evening of comedy held at the legenday Carolines Comedy Club in support of the Childrens Brain Tumor Project. It features another terrific score by Michael Gordon Shapiro, and a group of volunteer kids acting as stand up comedians.
In show business they say you should "never work with kids or animals" - but why should we listen to them?
New York Hall of Science
A short documentry style report on an innovative educational project. The New York Hall of Science asked TRIPCo to shoot research documentation of a week-long summer workshop. NYSCI was developing methods to use their award-winning "Noticing Toolstm " iPad apps to teach English language to middle school students who are recent immigrants.
The shoot had to serve a dual purpose; provide behavorial data for analsys, and also produce a number of short video segments for promotion, fundraising and teacher training.
National Fish And Wildlife Foundation
This short film served as the "opening fanfare" to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's annual Gala "Celebrating the Great Outdoors" held in Greenwich Conneticut. It features on-screen appearences by Board Chariman John Faraci, jr. and board member Eaddo Kiernan.
Answer The Muse
A unique combination of Indie Rock and Kundalinni Yogo, this Ithaca, NY based band is looking to create a national presence for their healthful, joyus sound.
Contemporary Native American artists explore the Berkshire Museum's collection of native art and artifacts. Excerpt from continuous play gallery video.
Camera: Erica Spizz Special thanks to Maria Mingalone, Dir. of Interpretation, Berkshire Museum.
When native cultures in the "sagebrush west" do their "chicken dance", they are honoring the Sage Grouse and the gentle, respectful way it treads upon the Earth.
This clip is an excerpt from an advocacy film produced for the National Audubon Society. A work in progress excerpt was shown at the TedX Jackson Hole event held in conjunction with the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. (click here to see the complete talk)
The short stories below are a selection from a series produced for the Environment News Trust series "This American Land".
The topics featured here are currently being developed into longer-form broadcast documentaries.
Suburban Coyotes
No longer just an icon of the wild west, coyotes have been moving east for decades, some into suburban communities just a few miles north of New York City.
Bronx River Beaver
After an absence of more then 200 years, the beaver returns to the Bronx River, New York City's only fresh water river.
It is a testament to decades of clean-up efforts.
The Really Interesting Picture Company, Ltd. New York City (646) 797-3171