George Dante is a “Rock-Star” of the Taxidermy world.
He’s the “go-to guy” for the biggest of the big-game hunters and top-flight museums around the world.
At the age of 38, George Dante is at the top of his profession.
He and his crew at Wildlife Preservations take on some of the biggest, most challenging jobs, working for the most demanding clients in the world.
Most of the staff are seasoned professionals. In a typical day they might handle everything from the most exotic big game to ordinary supermarket chickens ...
One of George’s specialties is the restoration of historic exhibits from the “golden age” of museum taxidermy. He is endlessly fascinated by the unique combination of art and science required to turn dead animals into classic exhibits.
A true master, George’s work combines a command of anatomy, chemistry, structural engineering, with the soul of an artist.
The Really Interesting Picture Company, Ltd. New York City (646) 797-3171